Lithium. vs lead-acid

Cost of ownership

In terms of capacity up front, lead-acid batteries tend to be cheaper than lithium batteries. However, you will be able to use a lower capacity lithium battery for the same application as higher capacity lead-acid batteries. Moreover, the cost of ownership is ultimately lower with lithium batteries thanks to the considerably higher cycle life.

Throughout the discharge cycle of a lithium battery, the battery delivers the same amount of power. The power of a lead-acid battery starts strong, but slowly dissipates into less and less power.


The big difference in between lead-acid and lithium is that the lithium battery capacity is independent of the discharge rate.
The chart shows the consistency of the LiFePO4 battery, while other types of batteries are slowly losing their consistency.


Lead-acid batteries are reliable, but a battery of the past. This type of battery has been used for many years and has been featured in many applications. Although lead-acid batteries have been adopted into applications for a long time, they have a very limited cycle life compared to lithium batteries.

Litihum batteries are lighter, have considerably more energy-density and are more durable than lead-acid batteries. The lifetime of a lead-acid battery is nothing compared to a lithium LiFePO4 battery.

In short, lithium batteries are more durable, reliable and more affordable in the end. Still not sure about lithium batteries or do you have questions with regards to our platform?

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